Sunday, January 6, 2013

If you look closely at this flower you can see some rain drops on it.  This is the best way to describe the last two days....Rain.  Some of our plans have been cancled because of it but on the plus side we had time to get almost all our classes for the week in today.  This means when it stops raining we will have more time to catch up on Belize type things.  First thing that is different about the rain  here is that none of our buildings are insulated so when it rains hard it is hard to talk or hear anything going on around you.  Next thing that is different is in Ohio when it rains hard to get a decent amount of thunder and lighting to go with it and here it is just rain.  Which is nice because it makes things not seem as "stormy".  Last thing that is different is when it rains in Ohio the ground stays wet for a long time, here in Belize it seems to dry up within minutes. No matter if you are in Ohio or Belize one thing will always be the same, the fresh just after rain smell that you get after it rains. 

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